New Website!

New Website!

headshotI’ve had this domain for 20+ years. My personal site has gone through probably a dozen iterations during that time, but it had remained a dormant and simple landing page for the last 5 years. I just didn’t have the time or inclination to do more. Well, I finally decided to make it a real website again. I decided to do a simple WordPress site with a free theme that I’ve altered slightly. I’m not sure how much I’ll actually post to this blog, but I would like to tinker with the site and create my own theme from scratch.

At the same time, I’m opening up a Smugmug account. I’ve had a handful of people inquire about getting prints of some of my photos (No, not just family and friends). A Smugmug site will make it easy for me to provide this without much work on my part. I don’t want to be in the order fulfillment business. I’ll link to it once I have it up and running – which should be soon.
